2017年2月27日 星期一

Xanadu電影(2) – Magic

一般在Xanadu音樂劇的第二幕,就會使用Xanadu電影中的歌曲MAGIC,這歌可說是該電影的靈魂歌曲,就算電影不濟,該歌甫出都已連據流行榜多周冠軍,可說在英語世界街知巷聞,而主唱者Olivia Newton-John(奧利花紐頓莊)更因此再創歌唱事業高峰。這歌主要是讓Kira神秘地在Sonny面前顯現,及訴說Kira帶來的魔力,所以其氣氛在帶點爵士的配樂下很是懸疑,前奏即已出現的標誌式「主七減五」和弦製造的這效果實在一聽難忘,絕對能令你將它和其他云云歌曲區分開!




Come take my hand
You should know me
I've always been in your mind
You know I will be kind
I'll be guiding you
Building your dream
Has to start now
There's no other road to take
You won't make a mistake
I'll be guiding you

You have to believe we are magic
Nothin' can stand in our way
You have to believe we are magic
Don't let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Destiny will arrive
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you
From where I stand
You are home free
The planets align so rare
There's promise in the air
And I'm guiding you
Through every turn
I'll be near you
I'll come anytime you call
I'll catch you when you fall
I'll be guiding you

You have to believe we are magic
Nothin' can stand in our way
You have to believe we are magic
Don't let your aim ever stray
And if all your hopes survive
Destiny will arrive
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you
I'll bring all your dreams alive
For you

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